EMBA makes trip to Brookings Executive Education

  • November 22, 2016
  • By Guest Blogger
  • 1 minute read

In today’s environment it is more important than ever for business executives to understand the implications policy decisions will have on their business and to know how to interact in the policy process.

—Brookings Executive Education Associate Director Ian Dubin

Washington University’s Executive MBA students traveled to Washington D.C. for a 4-day immersion program focused on policy entrepreneurship, hosted by Brookings Executive Education (BEE). The first cohort made the inaugural trip in March of this year.

The October four-day immersion provided students with an opportunity to engage with policymakers and witness how policy is formulated. The experience not only allowed the business leaders to form valuable relationships, but also gain knowledge essential to formulating business strategies, both domestic and international.

Prior to attending a reception at the Embassy of Mexico, EMBA students received a briefing on the role of embassies from BEE Associate Director Ian Dubin. Additional presentations included the role of the Council of the Economic Advisors from Sandy Black at the White House and the most effective ways to work with Congressional staff to achieve business goals from a panel of current Congressional staffers. Former Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) and former Congressman Bob Carr (D-MI) shared first-hand experiences and reviewed the appropriation and budget process.

“In today’s environment it is more important than ever for business executives to understand the implications policy decisions will have on their business and to know how to interact in the policy process,” said Dubin.

BEE is looking forward to hosting EMBA in 2017.

Kimberly Hall contributed to this article.

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