Gaining Global Perspective: The Olin Experience

  • January 5, 2017
  • By WashU Olin Business School
  • 2 minute read

I wasn’t sure it would be possible to spend time abroad. Exploring new international places was something I always enjoyed doing, but since I had graduated college, extensive travel was never a reality due to the nature of working full-time.

So when I started researching the Olin MBA, I was delighted to find that studying abroad was not only possible, but highly encouraged.

I write this blog post from an Amsterdam train bound for Germany. While in Germany, I will study at one of the premier institutions for Management studies called WHU. Not only will I be able to graduate from Olin on time, but I also will have exhausted all requirements prior to my last quarter of study, leaving me to enjoy my last two months in St. Louis before moving.

At Olin, you quickly realize you are the catalyst of your own fate. You can get involved in whatever way is best suited for your wants and needs. I knew I wanted to study abroad so the administration worked with me to make that a reality.

Because of the personalized experience Olin offers, I had resources at my disposal in every way. As in the real world, all you need to succeed is to have a support system—which is pretty easy when you know everyone and everyone knows you. From someone to help through the application and nomination process, to people helping set up my health insurance, I never felt like I was making a blind decision. I’m not sure this would have been as possible if it weren’t for Olin’s unique ability to make everyone feel like a name.

I’m excited for what I’ll learn during my time abroad—from cultural to classroom education. And I am eager to share these learnings with my classmates and the greater Olin community upon my return to St. Louis.

About the Author

Washington University in Saint Louis

WashU Olin Business School

Firmly established at the Gateway to the West, Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis stands as the gateway to something far grander in scale. The education we deliver prepares our students to thoughtfully make difficult decisions—the kind that can change the world.

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