Applying creative interests to business and the classroom: the economics of entertainment

  • May 29, 2019
  • By WashU Olin Business School
  • 1 minute read

Glenn MacDonald started in the entertainment industry at age 4 and has been involved as a business professional and performing musician ever since.

Today, he runs a course on the business of entertainment at WashU Olin Business School—a course that is at the core of a minor that is available to undergraduates.

I’m very passionate about the both the business and creative side of entertainment.  

John MacDonald

MacDonald and two of his students discuss the content of the course and what they’ve gotten from it in this brief video. Students design marketing campaigns for artists, learn how to pitch movies and participate in a variety of other experiential exercises—while learning the nuts and bolts of accounting and contracts in the field.

“It’s nice to be able to do things that are fun and that you’re interested in and that you’re still getting a grade and learning from,” said Rob Hall, AS 2019.

The Economics of Entertainment

Olin professor Glenn MacDonald teaches students about the business of music and movies in his Economics of Entertainment course.

About the Author

WashU Olin Business School

WashU Olin Business School

WashU Olin has been a leader and innovator in business education and research for over a century. We offer a global education in the heart of America that transforms the way students look at business. Our esteemed faculty produces research that makes an impact on the world of business and beyond. We are proud to collaborate with organizations in our home community of St. Louis and worldwide to effect meaningful, constructive change.

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