Creating Research

Bringing the leading edge of research to family enterprise.

Family enterprise drives 64% of the US economy, yet there isn’t a trusted resource for research-formed insights in this area. The Koch Center fills that role, bringing new knowledge to leaders of family organizations to support enhanced professionalism, nuanced sophistication of long-term perspective, and wisdom in how these leaders balance family and business purposes. In addition to the center directors, distinguished faculty fellows and faculty affiliates contributing to family enterprise scholarship, the center supports students as Family Enterprise Scholars. At the Koch Center, our footprint within one of the world’s preeminent research business universities allows us to speak to family enterprise issues from a robust research foundation. This research foundation is crucial to maintaining the objectivity required to add value to this landscape. At the same time, we understand the importance of translating these insights into actionable frameworks for practitioners in the field. While the research produced alongside the Koch Center is limited only to our partners' imagination, the center has three key initiatives. These areas of focus guide Drs. Barton Hamilton and Peter Boumgarden in identifying data sources for engaging with our scholars in their work.