Brent Hickman
Assistant Professor Economics
Brent Hickman
Area of Expertise
Business/Corporate Strategy, Econometrics, Economics, Microeconomics/ Industrial Organization, Organizational Economics
- Ph D 2010, University of Iowa
- BA 2005, Brigham Young University
- Winner of the The Public Utility Research Prize for the best paper in regulatory economics, International Industrial Organization Conference, 2020
- Paul Geroski Award for being one of the top two papers to appear in IJIO during 2010, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2011
Teaching Interests
I teach undergraduate econometrics and at the graduate level I teach PhD courses on structural research methods and Industrial Organization
Research Interests
Empirical methods for models of private information; auctions; nonlinear pricing; market design; industrial organization; human capital/education; black-white and gender inequality, adverse selection in labor markets
Selected Publications
- "Productivity Versus Motivation in Adolescent Human Capital Production: Evidence from A Structurally Motivated Field Experiment", with Christopher Cotton, John List, Joseph Price, Sutanuka Roy
- "Stress-Testing Structural Models of Unobserved Heterogeneity: Robust Inference on Optimal Nonlinear Pricing", with Aaron Bodoh-Creed, John List, Ian Muir, Gregory Sun
- "How Efficient Are Decentralized Auction Platforms?", Review of Economic Studies, with Joern Boehnke, Aaron Bodoh-Creed, 2021
- "Toward an Understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility: Theory and Field Experimental Evidence", with Daniel Hedblom, John List
- "College Assignment as a Large Contest", Journal of Economic Theory, Issue 1, 88-126, with Aaron Bodoh-Creed, 2018
- "Affirmative Action and Human Capital Investment: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Journal of Labor Economics, with Christopher Cotton, Joseph Price, 2022
- "Pre-College Human Capital Investment and Affirmative Action: A Structural Policy Analysis of US College Admissions", with Aaron Bodoh-Creed
- "Shifting Competition, Affirmative Action, and Human Capital Accumulation: A Comparative Static Analysis of Investment Contests", with Christopher Cotton, Joseph Price
- "Resolving Failed Banks: Uncertainty, Multiple Bidding, and Auction Design", with Jason Allen, Rob Clark, Eric Richert
- "On the pricing rule in electronic auctions", International Journal of Industrial Organization, Issue 5, 423-433, 2010