Deniz Aydin
Assistant Professor of Finance

Deniz Aydin
Deniz Aydın is an Assistant Professor of Finance at Olin Business School. He joined Olin after earning his PhD in Economics from Stanford. A native of Istanbul, he holds a BA in economics and mathematics, with high honors, from Sabancı University, and a MSc in finance and economics from the London School of Economics.
Area of Expertise
Banking and Financial Institutions, Consumer Behavior
- Ph D 2016, Stanford
- MA 2012, Stanford University
- MS 2009, London School of Economics
- B.F. Haley and E.S. Shaw Fellowship for Economics, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, 2015
- Graduate Fellowship, Stanford Center for International Development, 2015
- Household Finance Grant, NBER/Sloan Foundation, 2014
- Small Grant in Behavioral Economics, Russell Sage Foundation , 2013
- Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Stanford University, 2012
- Amos Werner Fellowship, Stanford University, 2010
Selected Publications
- "When Fair Isn't Fair: Understanding Choice Reversals Involving Social Preferences", Journal of Political Economy, with J. Andreoni, B. Barton, D. Bernheim, J. Naecker
- "Consumption Response to Credit Expansions: Evidence From Experimental Assignment of 45,307 Credit Lines", American Economic Review
- "Forbearance vs. Interest Rates: Experimental Tests of Liquidity and Strategic Default Triggers"