Jacob Feldman
Associate Professor of Supply Chain, Operations, and Technology

Jacob Feldman
Jake finished his PhD in the school of Operations Research and Information Engineering at Cornell University in 2015, and has been a faculty member in the SCOT group since at Olin since then.
Area of Expertise
Inventory Control, Production Planning, and Scheduling, Revenue Management
- Ph D 2015, Cornell University
- BS 2010, Harvey Mudd College
Research Interests
Assortment optimization, customer choice models, revenue management, approximation algorithms, machine learning
Personal Interests
A native of the Bay Area, Jake loves his Oakland Athletics and San Francisco 49ers. He also enjoys kicking the soccer ball around and traveling. He was able to combine these two interests when he attended the 2014 World Cup in Brazil!
Selected Publications
- "Revenue Management under a Markov Chain Choice Model", Operations Research Journal, Issue 5, 1322-1342, with Huseyin Topaloglu, 2017
- "Assortment Optimization and Pricing under a Nonparametric Tree Choice Model", Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 550-565, with James Davis, Alice Paul, 2018
- "Prophet Inequalities and Approximation Schemes for a New Class of Overbooking Problems in Container Shipping", Operations Research Journal, with Panos Kouvelis, Yukai Huang
- "The Tokenvendor Problem: Tokenizing Cargo Reservations under Overbooking and No-Shows", with Panos Kouvelis, Yunzhe Qiu, Fasheng Xu
- "Bounding Optimal Expected Revenues for Assortment Optimization under Mixtures of Multinomial Logits", Production and Operations Management, Issue 10, 1598-1620, with Huseyin Topaloglu, 2015
- "Capacity Constraints Across Nests in Assortment Optimization Under the Nested Logit Model", Operations Research Journal, Issue 4, 812-822, with Huseyin Topaloglu, 2015
- "Appointment scheduling under patient preference and no-show behavior", Operations Research Journal, Issue 4, 794-811, with Huseyin Topaloglu, Nan Liu, Serhan Ziya, 2014