Stephen Nowlis
August A. Busch Jr. Distinguished Professor of Marketing

Stephen Nowlis
Dr. Nowlis has published numerous papers in top-tier marketing journals. He is the winner of the William F. O'Dell Award and the Early Career Contribution Award.
Area of Expertise
Consumer Behavior and Decision Making
- Ph D 1994, Haas School of Business
- MBA 1990, Haas School of Business
- BA 1986, Stanford University
Academic/Professional Activities
- Editor, Associate Editor, Journal of Marketing Research
- Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Consumer Psychology
- Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Marketing
- Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Consumer Research
- Editorial Review Board Member, Marketing Letters
- 2008 Emerald Management Reviews Citation of Excellence Award, 2008
- Finalist (Top 4) for 2002 William F. O'Dell Award, 2002
- 2001 Early Career Contribution Award, Society for Consumer Psychology-Sheth Foundation, Division 23, American Psychological Association, 2001
- 2001 William F. O'Dell Award, 2001
- Best Theoretical Paper , INFORMS/Andersen Consulting, 2000
Teaching Interests
Marketing management, brand management, consumer behavior.
Research Interests
Consumer Behavior, decision making, consumption, survey methodology.
Personal Interests
Spending time with family and pets, exercising, reading, and traveling
Selected Publications
- "When an Hour Feels Shorter: Salient Boundary Tasks Contract the Perception and Consumption of Time", with Gabriela Tonietto, Selin Malkoc
- "When Cooler Heads Prevail: Temporal Separation between Choosing and Buying Reduces Purchase of Hedonic Products", with Gabriela Tonietto, Selin Malkoc
- "When an Hour Feels Shorter: Future Boundary Tasks Alter Consumption by Contracting Time ", Journal of Consumer Research, Issue 5, 1085-1102, with Gabriela Tonietto, Selin Malkoc, 2019
- "The Effect of Goal Specificity on Consumer Goal Reengagement", Journal of Consumer Research, Issue 3, 444-459, with Maura Scott, 2013
- "The influence of Disorganized Shelf Displays and Limited Product Quantity on Consumer Purchase", Journal of Marketing, with Iana Nelson, Andrea Morales, 2013
- "The Many Shades of Rose-Colored Glasses: An Evolutionary Approach to the Influence of Different Positive Emotions", Journal of Consumer Research, Issue 2, 238-250, with Griskevicius Vladas, Michelle Shiota, 2010
- "The Effect of Decision order on Purchase Quantity Decisions", Journal of Marketing Research, 725-737, with Ravi Dhar, Itamar Simonson, 2010
- "Opportunity Cost Neglect", Journal of Consumer Research, Issue 4, 553-561, with Frederick Shane, Nathan Novemsky, Jing Wang, Ravi Dhar, 2009
- "The Effects of Reduced Food Size and Package Size on the Consumption Behavior of Restarined and Unrestrained Eaters", Journal of Consumer Research, 391-405, with Maura Scott, Naomi Mandel, Andrea Morales, 2008
- "A Bite to Whet the Reward Appetite: The Influence of Sampling on Reward-Seeking Behaviors", Journal of Marketing Research, 403-413, with Monica Wadhwa, Baba Shiv, 2008