Online learning and networking

Online or on campus, every student is a valued member of the Olin community.

At WashU Olin, we understand that community is an important part of the educational experience for online students. You want to form relationships with faculty and classmates, connect with class speakers, and build your professional network.

We have a standing invitation for online students to visit us on campus. Attend one of our on-campus events for online students, or stop by anytime it’s convenient for you. We’d love to welcome you and show you around the school.

Build your network

You may not be on campus, but you have many opportunities to make connections and build your professional network.
  • Embrace group assignments

    Leverage group assignments to come together with classmates. In addition to focusing on your assignment, take time to also learn more about your peers.

  • Join student associations

    This is a great way to gain leadership experience and get to know other students. Attend an event on campus if you can, and consider becoming a peer-mentor.

  • Reach out proactively

    You’d be surprised how many Olin students and alumni are willing to connect. Just ask—from a connection request on LinkedIn to a meeting over coffee to a 30-minute call to chat.

  • Virtual and in-person networking

    There’s always something going on at Olin—both virtually and in person. Watch the calendar of events for opportunities to attend student-led and school-led events.

  • Students and alumni

    Olin boasts 3,000 students and 27,000 alumni. That’s a big network for you to tap into.

  • Social media

    Social media is a great way to keep up with WashU Olin and other students. Follow and like us, and don't forget to check out student groups based on special interests.

You would think we've been friends for ages—we have a very supportive cohort! Even though we are virtual, many of us have found ways to meet our classmates or jump online for virtual happy hours.

—Cali Brinkworth, Online MBA 2024

Join Us

Check out virtual and in-person events happening at WashU Olin.

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March 06 She Suite 2025

St. Louis, Missouri, United States

March 06 She Suite 2025 (virtual)
