Boeing Center’s Kouvelis, Olin team lauded in Decision Sciences productivity study
- August 13, 2020
- By WashU Olin Business School
- 1 minute read

In a recent operations management research productivity study published in Decision Sciences, Panos Kouvelis was ranked among the top three in several significant categories.
Kouvelis is WashU Olin’s director of Olin's Boeing Center for Supply Chain Innovation and Emerson Distinguished Professor of Operations and Manufacturing Management.
The study includes the “most-published OM authors from across the world based on total number of papers on which the individual is included as author from across all four [major] journals [of the field: Management Science, MSOM, POM, and JOM] over the 15-year period of 2001-2015.”
Here are a few ranking highlights for Kouvelis:
- No. 3: Total number of papers
- No. 1: Publications in MSOM
- No. 3: Total number of papers, weighted for co-authorship (Management Science publications counted only in the OM department)
- No. 2: Total number of papers, weighted for co-authorship (Management Science publications included in all departments, with some OM linkage)
Fuqiang Zhang, the Dan Broida Professor of Operations & Manufacturing Management, ranked No. 39 for total number of papers and No. 36 in papers weighted for co-authorship.
Additionally, Washington University’s Olin OMM department ranked No. 18 for total number of papers carrying an institution’s affiliation in authorship, No. 9 for publications in MSOM, and No. 12 for publications in Management Science.
We congratulate profs. Kouvelis and Zhang, and the Olin Business School OMM department, on these impressive achievements, and wish them the best in continuing their incredibly productive careers in OM research!
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