EMBA Mumbai speaker Nandan Kulkarni: ‘Let’s dare to dream boldly’

  • July 12, 2024
  • By WashU Olin Business School
  • 2 minute read

Olin Business School celebrated its most recent group of executive MBA graduates as the school hosted the EMBA Mumbai batch 8 at a graduation recognition ceremony on June 29 in Emerson Auditorium on the WashU campus.

Student speaker Nandan Kulkarni, senior director and head of CiplaMedtech, Cipla Ltd., reminded his fellow graduates of the struggles they overcame, the friendships they forged and the laughs they shared on their 18-month EMBA journey, which took them from Mumbai to St. Louis.

“Who else thought that they would master advanced business strategies and still struggle to mute on Zoom?” he joked.

On behalf of the 36 batch 8 graduates, he thanked the faculty from Olin and its partnering institution, the Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.

“Their wisdom, patience and dedication have been instrumental in our success and have guided and pushed us to think deeper, aim higher and stand stronger,” Kulkarni said.  

In particular, the class honored two professors with Faculty Recognition Awards: Mahendra Gupta, former dean and Geraldine J. and Robert L. Virgil Professor of Accounting and Management; and Ronald King, emeritus professor of accounting.

Kulkarni also thanked the employers and business partners who allowed the graduates the time they needed for their studies, and the family members who supported them.

He noted that the members of this class face a world that is rapidly changing, citing such factors as artificial intelligence advances, sustainability pressures and geopolitical uncertainties.

He encouraged his fellow graduates to rise to that challenge.

“Let’s embrace the spirit of lifelong learning and stand for a sustainable future,” Kulkarni said.

Let’s dare to dream boldly, lead with integrity and stand for the right values wherever we go. Together, let us shape a future where business thrives, societies prosper and humanity prevails.

Nandan Kulkarni

The EMBA Mumbai program is a joint venture between Olin and ITT Bombay. The classes, which are held in Mumbai, are taught by professors from both institutions. The program ends with a two-week capstone experience at WashU.

About the Author

Washington University in Saint Louis

WashU Olin Business School

Firmly established at the Gateway to the West, Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis stands as the gateway to something far grander in scale. The education we deliver prepares our students to thoughtfully make difficult decisions—the kind that can change the world.

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