What makes Olin unique?
To meet the challenges of an ever-evolving world, we emphasize the interconnectedness of rigorous decision-making criteria and a steadfast commitment to personal and societal values. We develop leaders with the courage to make really hard decisions and see them through.

Our History
We’ve been at this for over a century, but we’re hardly stuck in our ways. We’ve constantly evolved and grown to meet the needs of the Olin community.
Our history
Research with a global impact
Olin faculty, students and alumni conduct research that has a measurable impact on today’s global business economy.
Our researchOur outcomes
Our students’ successes speak for themselves. Learn more about who our students are and what they go on to do.

Our location
St. Louis is a major US city that’s also a friendly Midwestern town. It’s a center of industry with a low cost of living and comfortable pace of life.
A Proven Track Record
Olin and our programs are recognized the world over for contributions to real business application, research and innovation.
Accreditations and rankings